Komarova, Natalia
Last name: Komarova
Name: Natalia
Natalia Komarova is an Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, USA. Her research interests lie at the interface between the mathematical and life sciences. The two main topics are mathematical biology (modeling of initiation and development of cancer, biophysics and virus dynamics) and mathematical models of language evolution (with elements of learning theory and historical dynamics). Natalia Komarova received the 2002 Prize for Promise and a 2005 Sloan Fellowship. She co-authored the book Computational Biology of Cancer: Lecture notes and mathematical modeling (with D.Wodarz; Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2005) and published over 50 scientific articles, including "Oscillations in population sizes -- from ecology to history" (Structure and Dynamics, 1, 2006), "The Evolution of Altruism: from Game Theory to Human Language" (Spiritual Information: 100 perspectives, West Conshohocken, PA: Templeton Foundation Press, 2005, co-authored), "Replicator-Mutator Equation, Universality Property and Population Dynamics of Learning" (Journal of Theoretical Biology, 230, 2004), "Language Dynamics in Finite Populations" (Journal of Theoretical Biology, 221, 2003, co-authored), "Language, Learning and Evolution" (Language Evolution: The States of the Art, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003, co-authored), "Evolution of Universal Grammar" (Science, 291, 2001, co-authored). Email: Komarova@UCI.edu.
Author's Articles
Komarova, Natalia
Language and Mathematics: An evolutionary model of grammatical communication // History & Mathematics: Analyzing and Modeling Global Development
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