2012.05.29 The anthology “Globalistics and Globalization Studies” has come out!
This volume is a compilation of interesting research works by many scholars from different countries. The anthology presents a wide range of views on the meaning of the contemporary epoch, the past and the future of some important global processes.
2012.05.05 In June 2012, Faculty of Global Studies of Moscow State University will hold the 5th Global Studies Conference
The 2012 conference will be held at Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 20-22 June 2012. The 2012 Global Studies Conference will address a range of critically important ideas relating to globalization in the world today, as well as focusing on a special theme – Eurasia and Globalization: Complexity and Global Studies.
2012.04.17 We congratulate Nikolay Kradin with 50th anniversary!
We congratulate Nikolay Kradin with 50th anniversary! Nikolay Nikolaevich Kradin is a Russian anthropologist and archaeologist. We wish Nikolay Kradin health, ever success and new achievments in his job!