Eurasian Center for
Big History & System Forecasting
Mission Statement
The Eurasian Center for Big History & System Forecasting (ECBSF) seeks to develop a unified and interdisciplinary history of the Cosmos, Earth, Life and Humanity. It also seeks to develop system forecasting of social, political, demographic, ethnic and cultural processes at regional and global levels.
1) To conduct research in the following fields of study:
* Big History, as defined by the International Big History Association: “The attempt to understand, in a unified and interdisciplinary way, the history of the Cosmos, Earth, Life and Humanity”;
* Systems forecasting of social, political, demographic, ethnic and cultural processes at regional and global levels;
* Evolutionary and mega-evolutionary processes: regularities, mechanisms and trends;
* Cyclical processes in nature and society;
* Socio-environmental history;
* Psychological and sociological aspects of social evolution;
* World history and global processes.
2) To promote collaborative work of scholars and scientists from different countries and with various specializations who are working within an evolutionary paradigm, as well as teachers, NGO organizers and workers, politicians and political consultants.
3) To unite researchers, teachers and political participants in forming a humanistic world view, based on the latest scientific achievements, especially among the younger generations.
4) To enhance methodology and practices of system forecasting, as well as humanitarian technologies in the management of political, economic and social development.
Academic Activities:
1. Research: Conduct research as specified in the Center’s task list.
2. Publishing: The Center publishes a number of international academic and scholarly peer-reviewed journals in English and Russian: Social Evolution & History, Journal of Globalization Studies, Историческая психология и социология истории, История и современность, as well as the Evolution almanac and volumes dedicated to the study of Big History, world history, and system forecasting.
3. Organizing: Organization of international seminars and conferences in connection with the activities of the Center, including various phases of Big History, social history and prehistory, as well as regional and global forecasting. We plan to conduct these seminars and conferences in cooperation with other academic organizations and media groups, in order to reach a wider audience.
4. Education: The preparation of courses and textbooks on Big History, socio-environmental history, cultural anthropology, political psychology and system forecasting in the universities of Moscow, Russia and the CIS; promotion of courses in Big History at universities and schools.
5. Political Consulting. System monitoring, analysis and forecasting of political situations, training workshops, etc.