Ternyik, Stephen I.
Last name: Ternyik
Name: Stephen I.
Stephen I. Ternyik, MA, is private entrepreneurial economics scholar/educator, with a focus on quantum monetary science, since 1985 (consultancy, innovation, investment). He pursued studies in social science in Berlin, Tokyo, New York and Jerusalem. His recent books are Economics as Heuristics and New Economics (2011); New Ethical Economics Science (2012); Monetary Wave Theory (2013);Global Wave Energetics (2014). The recent articles are ‘The Monetary Quan-tum/Quantizing Money’ (2012, Monetary Economics eJournal); ‘Sustainable Monetary Agency‘ (DPG, Verhandlungen, Berlin, 2015).. He likes biblical poetry and cantorial art.
Direction of scientific research: Geonomics.
Author's Articles
Papakonstantinidis, Leonidas A.; Ternyik, Stephen I.
Empathy and Conflict Strategy: An Inquiry into T. Schelling's ‘The Strategy of Conflict’// History & Mathematics: Entropy and Destabilization
Ternyik, Stephen I.
Geonomics, Energetics and the K-Paradox: A Sustainable Point of View// Kondratieff waves: Cycles, Crises, and Forecasts
Ternyik, Stephen I.
K-Periodicity, Space-Time Structures and World Economics// Kondratieff Waves: Dimensions and Prospects at the Dawn of the 21st Century
Ternyik, Stephen I.
Quantum Energetic Evolution// Evolution: Evolution and Big History: Dimensions, Trends, and Forecasts
Ternyik, Stephen I.
The Supreme Kondratieff: Exponentiality, Teleology and the DNA of Economic History (The Future Balance of Wealth and Health)// Kondratieff waves: The Spectrum of Opinions
Ternyik, Stephen I.
World System Energetics// Kondratieff waves: Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratieff
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