Shestova, Tatyana
Last name: Shestova
Name: Tatyana
Russian historian and philosopher. She is an Associated Professor of the Faculty of Global Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University. She is an author of over than 50 scholarly publications in philosophy of history, history and methodology of Global Studies and Global History. She is an author of such monographs as The Heritage of Russian Zapadnichestvo (Westernity) by the 1840s in the Social Thought of the late 19th – early 20th Century (1994); The Philosophical Foundations of Historical Concepts in Ancient Greece (2008); History and Methodology of Global Studies (2009, In Russian); Global Historicism and its Role in Social Theory Development (2012, in Russian).
Author's Articles
Shestova, Tatyana ; Ariskina, Y.
Globalization through the Prism of Big History// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 11, Number 2 / November 2020
Aleshkovskii, Ivan; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Shestova, Tatyana
Understanding the Global World// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 12, Number 2 / November 2021
Shestova, Tatyana
Methodological Foundations of Global History// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Theories, Research & Teaching
Shestova, Tatyana
Eastern Europe within the Ancient World-Systems// Globalistics and globalization studies Big history & global history
Shestova, Tatyana
Global History as a Trend of Global Studies// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
List of Authors