Sharmin, Sifat
Last name: Sharmin
Name: Sifat
Sifat Sharmin is Dr. Stan D'Souza Fellow at International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Among her most influential publications are ‘Spatio-Temporal Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics’ (2011; with Md. I. Rayhan), ‘Modelling of Infectious Diseases for Providing Signal of Epidemics: A Measles Case Study in Bangladesh’ (2011; with Md. I. Rayhan), ‘Socio-economic Inequality in Under-Five Child Mortality: A Statistical Approach to Determine Development Edge in Bangladesh’ (2010; with Md. I. Rayhan).
Author's Articles
Sharmin, Sifat
Does Globalization Always Increase Inequality? An Econometric Analysis in Bangladesh Perspective// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 2, Number 2 / November 2011
List of Authors