Semmler, Willi

Last name:  Semmler
Name:  Willi

Dr., is currently the Henry Arnhold Professor of Economics at the New School for Social Research in New York. Dr. Semmler's research interests are broad and include dynamic modeling, macroeconomics, financial economics, time series and computational methods in economics and finance, resource economics, economics of growth, and technical change. He studied Mathematics, social sciences, and Economics in Hamburg, Munich, and Berlin. Dr. Semmler received his PhD on ‘Multisectoral Theories of Growth’ in 1976 at the Free University of Berlin, where he qualified as a professor four years later. He has served as a Visiting Professor at numerous universities, including Columbia University, Stanford University, and at the University of Bielefeld. His publications have often appeared in prestigious journals such as the Journal of Applied Econometrics, Economic Theory, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, and many others. Together with Lucas Bernard, he is co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming (2014), published by Oxford University Press.

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