Reuveny, Rafael

Reuveny, Rafael

Last name:  Reuveny
Name:  Rafael

Rafael REUVENY is Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs at the Indiana University, Bloomington. His research focuses on the causes and effects of economic globalization, democ-racy, military conflict, and sustainable development. He is the author and co-author of numerous articles, and co-author and co-editor of several books. His most recent co-authored book, Democracy and Economic Openness in an Interconnected System: Complex Transformations (2009). Reuveny was program chair of the 2006 meeting of the International Studies Association and the North America program chair of the 2008 meetings of the Global International Studies Confer-ence. He won two teaching awards at Indiana University and is the co-recipient of the 2007 Award of Excellence in World Society Research, First Place, from the World Society Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland, and the 2003 Best Article on Democratization Award from the American Political Science Association.

Author's Articles
Journal: Almanac:
List of Authors