Powell, Jason L.
Last name: Powell
Name: Jason L.
Jason L. Powell works at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. He is also visiting Research Fellow in Gerontology at the University of Oxford and Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. His research is on ageing, social care, community development, life-course, globalization, China, qualitative methodology, social justice and global dynamics. He has published over 400 refereed articles, book chapters, reports and has 40 books out or in press – Aging in China (2012); The Global Dynamics of Aging (2012); Social Welfare, Aging and Social Theory (2012) etc. He is Series Editor of (i) International Ageing; and (ii) International Social Policy for Springer Publishers. He won 'Highly Commended Article Award' in The International Journal of Sociology & Social Policy. In the USA, The Journal of Applied Gerontology had a special edition on his work on Foucauldian approaches to ageing. He has been invited and served on over 110 editorial boards across the world, is Associate Editor of The Canadian Journal of Sociology, and is Editor-in-Chief of US-based international journal, Illness, Crisis & Loss. He has been Visiting Professor in US, Canada, South Africa, Jordan and Australia.
Author's Articles
Powell, Jason L.; Khan, Hafiz
Ageing and Globalization: A Global Analysis// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 4, Number 1 / May 2013
Powell, Jason L.; Khan, Hafiz
Ageing in Post-Industrial Society: Trends and Trajectories// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 5, Number 2 / November 2014
Powell, Jason L.; Khan, Hafiz
Ageing and Globalization: A Global Analysis// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Aspects & Dimensions of Global Views
Powell, Jason L.; Khan, Hafiz
Ageing in Post-Industrial Society: Trends and Trajecto-ries// History & Mathematics: Political Demography & Global Ageing.
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