Pohl, Karl-Heinz
Last name: Pohl
Name: Karl-Heinz
Karl-Heinz POHL Ph.D. in East Asian Studies, University of Toronto; 1987–1992: Professor of Chinese Literature and History of Ideas, Tübingen University (Germany); 1992–2010: retired Chair of Chinese Studies at Trier University (Germany). Fields of Research: Chinese History of Ideas; Ethics and Aesthetics of Modern and Pre-Modern China; Intercultural Communication and Dialogue between China and the West. Selected publications: Cheng Pan-ch'iao: Poet, Painter and Calligrapher (1990), Aesthetics and Literary Theory in China – From Tradition to Modernity (in German and Chinese translation, 2006), Edited volumes: Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Philosophical Approaches (1999), Chinese Ethics in a Global Context. Moral Bases of Contemporary Societies (with Anselm W. Müller, 2002).
Author's Articles
Pohl, Karl-Heinz
Chinese and Western Values: Reflections on the Methodology of a Cross-Cultural Dialogue// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 3, Number 1 / May 2012
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