Perez, Carlota

Perez, Carlota

Last name:  Perez
Name:  Carlota

Carlota Perez is interdisciplinary researcher, lecturer and international consultant spe-cialized in the changing impact and opportunities stemming from the diffusion of technological revolutions. She is currently Visiting Senior Scholar at the London School of Economics (UK); Senior Research Associate at CFAP, Judge Business School, Cam-bridge University (UK); Professor of Technology and Development at the Tallinn Uni-versity of Technology (Estonia), and Honorary Professor at SPRU, University of Sus-sex (UK). She is the author of Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: the Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages (2002, transl. into Spanish, Korean, Rus-sian and Chinese). She was Founding Director of Technological Development in the Ministry of Industry in her country of origin, Venezuela, where she created the first venture capital fund in the 1980s. She is a consultant to global corporations, small companies, business associations, governments in various parts of the world, the UN and various other international organizations. In 2012 she was awarded with the Silver Kondratieff Medal by the International Kondratieff Foundation ‘for an outstanding contribution to the development of social sciences’. Homepage:

Author's Articles
Journal: Almanac:
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