Palley, Thomas
Last name: Palley
Name: Thomas
Dr., is an economist living in Washington. He holds a BA degree from Oxford University and a MA degree in International Relations and PhD in Economics, both from Yale University. He has published in numerous academic journals, and written for The Atlantic Monthly, American Prospect, and Nation magazines. Dr. Palley has recently started a project, Economics for Democratic and Open Societies. The goal of the project is to stimulate public discussion about what kinds of economic arrangements and conditions are needed to promote democracy and open society. Dr. Palley was formerly Chief Economist of the U.S. – China Economic and Security Review Commission. Prior to joining the Commission, he was Director of the Open Society Institute's Globalization Reform Project, and before that he was Assistant Director of Public Policy at the AFL – CIO.
Author's Articles
Bernard, Lucas ; Gevorkyan, Aleksandr ; Palley, Thomas ; Semmler, Willi
Long-Wave Economic Cycles: The Contributions of Kondratieff, Kuznets, Schumpeter, Kalecki, Goodwin, Kaldor, and Minsky// Kondratieff waves: Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratieff
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