Nefedov, Sergey
Last name: Nefedov
Name: Sergey
Institute of History and Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg
Author's Articles
Nefedov, Sergey
Debate on the Population Well-Being and the Russian Revolution// Social Evolution & History. Volume 14, Number 1 / March 2015
Nefedov, Sergey; Ellman, Michael
Excess Mortality in Russia in 1868–1912 and Its Historiographic Implications// Social Evolution & History. Volume 20, Number 1 / March 2021
Nefedov, Sergey
Model of Demographic Cycles in a Traditional Society: the Case of Ancient China// Social Evolution & History. Volume 3, Number 1 / March 2004
Nefedov, Sergey
Modeling Malthusian Dynamics in Pre-industrial Societies// Social Evolution & History. Volume 13, Number 1 / March 2014
Nefedov, Sergey
Modeling Malthusian Dynamics in Pre-industrial Societies: Mathematical Modeling// History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles
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