Mitiukov, Nicholas W.
Nicholas W. Mitiukov is Professor in Engineering, Docent, Corresponding Member of Real Academia de la Mar (Spain), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Science (Russia), Professor of Izhevsk State Technical University, Professor of Kama Institute of Humanitarian and Engineering Technologies. He is the author of over 500 academic publications, including such monographs as The Spanish-American War in the Pacific Ocean (in 3 volumes, St. Petersburg, 2005–2007), Simulation Modeling in Military History (Moscow, 2007, 2nd ed., Moscow, 2010), Ballistics of Arrows according to the Archeological Data (in co-authorship with A. V. Korobeinikov, Izhevsk, 2007, 2nd ed., Moscow, 2014), Identification of the Pa-rameters of Naval Artillery (in co-authorship with K. R. Crawford, Prague, 2013).
Author's Articles
Crawford, Kent R.; Mitiukov, Nicholas W.
The British-Italian Performance in the Mediterranean from the Artillery Perspective// History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles
List of Authors