Martens, Pim
Last name: Martens
Name: Pim
Pim MARTENS is Director of the International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustain-able Development (ICIS), Maastricht University. He holds the chair ‘Sustainable Development’ at Maastricht University, is a research professor of Globalization, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich, and an honorary professor at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University, Wales.
Author's Articles
Drener, Axel; Gaston, Noel; Martens, Pim; Van Boxem, Lotte
Measuring Globalization – Opening the Black Box. A Critical Analysis of Globalization Indices// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 1, Number 1 / May 2010
Dreher, A.; Gaston, Noel; Martens, Pim; Van Boxem, Lotte
Measuring Globalization – Opening the Black Box. A Critical Analysis of Globalization Indices// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
List of Authors