Made, Tony
Last name: Made
Name: Tony
Tony MADE is a graduate student at Flinders University, Participants in the pilot action learning project under the process leadership of Ken Bausch at the Institute for 21st Century Agoras.
Author's Articles
Bausch, Ken; McIntyre-Mills, Janet; Made, Tony; Mackenzie, Kelly; Morse, Charles; Underwood, Gayle
Striving for Sustainable Global Democracy Through a Group Decision-Making Process: A Critical Review of an Online Course to Model Transformative Praxis// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 3, Number 1 / May 2012
Bausch, Ken; McIntyre-Mills, Janet; Made, Tony; Mackenzie, Kelly; Morse, Charles; Underwood, Gayle
Striving for Sustainable Global Democracy Through a Group Decision-Making Process: A Critical Review of an Online Course to Model Transformative Praxi// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Theories, Research & Teaching
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