Mączyńska, Elżbieta
Last name: Mączyńska
Name: Elżbieta
Graduated from the Department of Political Economics of the University of Warsaw and specialised in econometrics. She received her PhD in economic sciences, employed at the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 1990) and since 1998 at the Warsaw School of Economics at the position of the Head of the Department of Research of Enterprise Bankruptcy at the Institute of Corporate Finance and Investments at the Collegium of Business Ad-ministration of the Warsaw School of Economics. Since 2008 she is the Head of the Postgraduate Studies in Property Valuation. She has been the Chairperson of the Eco-nomic Strategic Thinking Committee of the Ministry of Economy (since 14 June 2013), President of the Polish Economic Society (since 2005), and member of the Presidium of the ‘Poland 2000 Plus’ Forecast Committee and the Committee of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2011). Between 1994 and 2005 Elżbieta Mączyńska was a scientific secretary and member of the Presidium of the Social and Economic Strategy Council of the Council of Ministers. Between 2005 and 2007 she was an independent member of the Supervisory Board of BGŻ, in 1996–1998 an independent member of the Supervisory Board of Polski Bank Rozwoju. In 1990–1991 Mączyńska was an advisor and consultant to the Polish-Swedish limited liability company SWEA SYSTEM. She has completed scientific and research internships in Germany (University of Mannheim) and Austria (WIIW, Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien). Mączyńska is a three-time recipient of a DAAD scholarship. She is the author, co-author and editor of about 200 publications and expert opinions in the area of economic analysis, finance and enterprise appraisal, as well as in the area of economic systems and strategies of social and economic development. Elżbieta Mączyńska is a member of the Editorial Committee of the bi-monthly Ekonomista published by the Polish Economic Society and the Committee of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the Editorial Board of the quarterly Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie published by the Collegium of Business Administration of the Warsaw School of Economics, member of the editorial team of the quarterly In-ternational Journal of Sustainable Economy (IJSE), Inderscience Publishers Editorial Office, UK.
Author's Articles
Mączyńska, Elżbieta
Kondratieff – Ethos – Economics// Kondratieff waves: Cycles, Crises, and Forecasts
List of Authors