Laszlo, Ervin
Last name: Laszlo
Name: Ervin
Ervin Laszlo is Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, Chancellor of the Giordano Bruno GlobalShift University, Founder of the General Evolution Research Group, Fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Science and the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Senator of the International Medici Academy, and Editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution. He has a PhD from the Sorbonne and is the recipient of honorary PhD's from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary. Laszlo received the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award, in 2002, the International Mandir of Peace Prize in Assisi in 2005, the Conacreis Holistic Culture Prize in 2009, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005. He is the author or co-author of fifty-four books translated into as many as twenty-three languages, and serves as editor of another thirty volumes in addition to a four-volume World Encyclopedia of Peace.
Author's Articles
Laszlo, Ervin
Culture and the Sustainability of the Global System// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 3, Number 2 / November 2012
Laszlo, Ervin
Culture and the Sustainability of the Global System // Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 3, Number 2 / November 2012 -
Laszlo, Ervin
Global Bifurcation: The Decision Window// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 2, Number 2 / November 2011
Laszlo, Ervin
The Culture of ‘Oneness in Diversity’: A Manifesto// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 6, Number 2 / November 2015
List of Authors