Kuecker, Glen D.
Last name: Kuecker
Name: Glen D.
Glen D. Kuecker is a Professor of History at DePauw University. Glen's scholarship focuses on how people in Latin America have organized in resistance to neoliberal economic reforms. He co-edited Latin American Social Movements in the Twenty-first Century: Resistance, Power, and Democracy, which won a Choice outstanding title of the year award. He has published on grassroots resistance to mining in Ecuador, and has a theoretical essay that explores today's Latin American social movements and one that considers the meanings of solidarity work. Glen's recent work examines how we are going to weather the perfect storm of the twenty-first century crises. This project involves research collaboration with the Globalism Research Centre at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, where they examine the relationship between community and resilience amid the global crises. Most recently, Glen is exploring twenty-first century urbanism, which has led to a focus on understanding eco cities, especially New Songdo City in South Korea. Ranking supreme above all, Glen is a diehard Chicago White Sox fan.
Author's Articles
Kuecker, Glen D.
From the Alienation of Neoliberal Globalization to Transmodern Ways of Being: Epistemic Change and the Collapse of the Modern World-System// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 5, Number 1 / May 2014
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