Kradin, Nikolay N.
Last name: Kradin
Name: Nikolay
Nikolay Nikolaevich Kradin (born in Onokhoy, Buryatia, USSR on April 17, 1962) is a Russian anthropologist and archaeologist. Since 1985 he has been a Research Fellow of the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnology, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences inVladivostok. He is also (since 1999) Head and Professor of the Department of Social Anthropology in the Far-Eastern National Technical University.
Author's Articles
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Archaeological Criteria of Civilization// Social Evolution & History. Volume 5, Number 1 / March 2006
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Between Khans and Presidents. Anthropology of Politics in Post-Soviet Central Asia// Social Evolution & History. Volume 9, Number 2 / September 2010
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Criteria of Complexity in Evolution: Cross-Cultural Study in Archaeology of Prehistory// Social Evolution & History. Volume 12, Number 1 / March 2013
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Early State Theory and the Evolution of Pastoral Nomads// Social Evolution & History. Volume 7, Number 1 / March 2008
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Ernest Gellner and Debates on Nomadic Feudalism// Social Evolution & History. Volume 2, Number 2 / September 2003
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Hans Claessen and my Story about the Early State// Social Evolution & History. Volume 21, Number 2 / September 2022
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Heterarchy and Hierarchy among the Ancient Mongolian Nomads// Social Evolution & History. Volume 10, Number 1 / March 2011
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Origins of the Early Russian State: Anthropological Perspectives// Social Evolution & History. Volume 22, Number 2 / September 2023
Kradin, Nikolay N.
Social Complexity, Inner Asia, and Pastoral Nomadism// Social Evolution & History. Volume 18, Number 2 / September 2019
Kradin, Nikolay N.
State Origins in Anthropological Thought// Social Evolution & History. Volume 8, Number 1 / March 2009
Guzev, Mikhail A.; Kradin, Nikolay N.; Nikitina, Evgeniya
The Imperial Curve of Large Polities// Social Evolution & History. Volume 16, Number 2 / September 2017
List of Authors