Kiany, Gholam Reza
Last name: Kiany
Name: Gholam Reza
Associate Professor at Tarbiat Modares University TEFL Department, Tehran. Having received his PhD in Language and Linguistics from Essex University of UK. In 1998, he has been teaching Advanced Research Methodology, Language Testing, Psycholinguistics and the related areas at different academic levels. During the past decade he has taken perspectives on CAT and designed various large-scale tests including CAT and non-CAT Proficiency tests. Recently, along with new demands of living in a global village requiring changing the country's traditional orientations to learning, he has been inspired by the trends of English Language Policy and Program Evaluation as the two fundamental inclusive areas of research. His more recent views on ‘Policy Making and Policy Analysis’ of different interrelated elements of the ELT Program in Iran, as well as his comparative studies are well reflected in his 2011 publications and national projects: ‘Theoretical Bases, Goals, and Policies of English Language Education in the Ministry of Education of Iran’ (2009–2011), ‘Revisiting the Approach of National Curriculum towards Foreign Language Education’ published in 2011. Also, he has been the author of several English books and qualified EFL-related papers, and has supervised good numbers of workable theses and dissertations at MA & PhD levels. Since 2014, he has been the Vice-chancellor of Evaluation and Quality Assurance at Farhangian University (Teacher Training University), Iran. He has conducted and supervised several nation-wide projects on assessment and evaluation of different services provided by Farhangian University faculties to their academic and non-academic staffs, and more importantly to the students-teachers.
Author's Articles
Peyman, Neda; Samar, Reza Ghafar; Akbari, Ramin; Kiany, Gholam Reza
Intercultural Language Education and Home Culture Concerns: A Framework for Local Material Design// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 7, Number 2 / November 2016
List of Authors