Jakobsen, Tor Georg
Last name: Jakobsen
Name: Tor Georg
(PhD) is Professor of Political Science at NTNU Business School, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). He has a PhD from the Department of Sociology and Political Science (NTNU) from 2011. Jakobsen is programme coordinator for the program Master of Public Administration. He has had fellowships at the Department of Sociology at UC Berkeley and at the Institute for European Studies at Cornell University. His research interests include political behavior, peace research and statistical methods. Jakobsen has authored and co-authored articles in, among others, European Sociological Review, Work, Employment and Society and Conflict Management and Peace Science and has co-authored the book Applied Statistics with Stata (Sage) in 2016.
Author's Articles
de Soysa, Indra; Jakobsen, Tor Georg; Holum, Marthe
Free-Market Capitalism, Interpersonal Trust, and Trust in Political Institutions: A Multilevel Empirical Analysis, 1994–2014// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 8, Number 2 / November 2017
List of Authors