Issaev, Leonid M.
Leonid M. Issaev is a Senior Lecturer of the General Politics Department at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Researcher at the Laboratory for Sociopolitical Destabilization Risks Monitoring (National Research University Higher School of Economics), and Member of Scientific Council of the Russian Association of Political Science. He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Political Science, the National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’ and the University of Cairo. He had internship at the headquarters of the League of Arab States in Cairo. He is an author of more than 60 scientific publications, including the monograph Egyptian Turmoil of the 21st Century (Moscow: Librokom, 2012, co-authored with A. R. Shishkina), Syria and Yemen: Unfinished Revolutions (Moscow: Librokom, 2012, in collaboration with A. R. Shishkina), System Monitoring of Global and Regional Risks: The Arab World After the Arab Spring (Moscow: Librokom/URSS, 2013; ed., together with A. V. Korotayev and A. R. Shishkina), and System Monitoring of Global and Regional Risks. Central Asia: New Challenges (Moscow: Librokom/ URSS, 2013, ed., together with B. A. Akayeva, A. V. Korotayev and A. R. Shishkina).
Author's Articles
Korotayev, Andrey; Issaev, Leonid M.; Rudenko, Maria; Shishkina, Alisa R.; Ivanov, Evgeny
Afrasian Instability Zone and Its Historical Background// Social Evolution & History. Volume 15, Number 2 / September 2016
Issaev, Leonid M.; Shishkina, Alisa R.
The Global Terrorism Narratives: Typology of the Islamic State's Media Propaganda// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 10, Number 2 / November 2019
Shishkina, Alisa R.; Issaev, Leonid M.; Truevtsev, Konstantin M.; Korotayev, Andrey
The Shield of Islam? Islamic Factor of HIV Prevalence in Africa// History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles
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