Hasan, Mubashar
Last name: Hasan
Name: Mubashar
Mubashar Hasan is a PhD student at the Department of International Business and Asian Studies at Griffith University, Australia. Prior to this he worked many years as a journalist and a media, communication and advocacy specialist in the UK, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Educated in Dhaka University, Bangladesh, Dundee University in the UK and Al-Maktoum Institute at the University of Aberdeen in UK Mubashar's research interest spans between the issues of globalization, political Islam, democracy, governance and media advocacy. He is also the author of ‘Democracy and Political Islam in Bangladesh’, an article published in South Asia Research in July 2011, and ‘Historical Development of Political Islam in Bangladesh’, an article published online in 2011 at the Journal of Asian and African Studies.
Author's Articles
Hasan, Mubashar
The Concept of Globalization and How This has Impacted on Contemporary Muslim Understanding of Ummah// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 2, Number 2 / November 2011
List of Authors