Harper, Tony
Last name: Harper
Name: Tony
Antony Harper, a researcher in the general area of applied mathematics to human his-torical processes, also understood as quantitative history and more appropriately, using Peter Turchin's term, as cliodynamics. He is currently associated with both New Trier College and Benedictine University. His primary research interests are modelling the pattern of urbanization over recorded history, i.e., from approximately 3000 BCE to the present. More currently these interests include understanding the consequences of this urbanization pattern, applying the model of punctuated equilibrium, originally propounded by Eldridge and Gould, to the pattern of urbanization, understanding why complex systems in general should exhibit the PE pattern of growth, and within the constraints of punctuated equilibrium beginning to understand the context and mechanisms that bring about punctuated change, i.e., quite frankly, understanding what causes historic tipping points.
Author's Articles
Harper, Tony
Clarity in the Face of Immense World-System Complexity and Crisis: A Review of ̒Economic Crises, Cycles and the Global Periphery̓ by Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev, and Arno Tausch// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 8, Number 2 / November 2017
Harper, Tony
Clarity in the Face of Immense World-System Complexity and Crisis. A Review of Economic Crises, Cycles and the Global Periphery by Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev, and Arno Tausch// Social Evolution & History. Volume 16, Number 2 / September 2017
Harper, Tony
Fresh Look at the Global History. A Review of the Twenty-First Century Singularity and Global Futures: A Big History Perspective// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 11, Number 1 / May 2020
Harper, Tony
Leonid Grinin And Andrey Akorotayev, Great Divergence And Great Convergence: A Global Perspective// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 7, Number 1 / May 2016
Harper, Tony
Rough Waters Ahead// Social Evolution & History. Volume 23, Number 2 / September 2024
Harper, Tony
Rough Waters Ahead: A Review of Handbook of Revolutions in the 21st Century// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 14, Number 2 / November 2023
Harper, Tony
The Macropattern of Urbanization over the Course of the Last 5000 Years of World-System History// Social Evolution & History. Volume 9, Number 1 / March 2010
Harper, Tony
The Punctuated Equilibrium Macropattern of World System Urbanization and the Factors that Give Rise to that Macropattern// Social Evolution & History. Volume 16, Number 1 / March 2017
Harper, Tony
The Utility of Simple Math Models in the Study of Human History// Social Evolution & History. Volume 6, Number 1 / March 2007
Harper, Tony
A Quantitative Analysis of Reign Lengths of Pre- and Post-Taifa Periods and Taifa Kingdom Durations During the Existence of Al Andalus// History & Mathematics: Investigating Past and Future
Harper, Tony
A Review of L. E. Grinin, A. V. Korotayev, and Arno Tausch ‘Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy’, Springer international Publishing; 2019// Kondratieff waves: Historical and Theoretical Aspects
Harper, Tony
A Review of Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev, and Arno Tausch's ‘Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy’, Springer International Publishing, 2019// History & Mathematics: Investigating Past and Future
Harper, Tony
A Review of Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev, and Arno Tausch's ‘Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy’, Springer International Publishing, 2019// Evolution: Evolutionary Aspects: Stars, Primates, and Religion
Harper, Tony
A Survivorship Pattern of Civilizations and Its Consequences// History & Mathematics: Political, Demographic, and Environmental Dimensions
Harper, Tony
A Toy Model Mechanism for Greater-Than-Exponential Human Population Growth// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Globalization Studies and Evolutionary Trends
Harper, Tony
A Toy Model Mechanism for Greater-Than-Exponential Human Population Growth// History & Mathematics: Big History Aspects
Harper, Tony
An Equation-Based Systems Approach to Modeling Punctuated Equilibria Apparent in the Macropattern of Urbanization over Time// History & Mathematics: Economy, Demography, Culture, and Cosmic Civilizations
Harper, Tony
An Equation-Based Systems Approach to Modeling Punctuated Equilibria Apparent in the Macropattern of Urbanization over Time// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Harper, Tony
An Investigation of the Relationships between Empirical Trends in Both Entropy and Maximum Urban Area Size Over the Last 5,000 Years// History & Mathematics: Entropy and Destabilization
Harper, Tony
Clarity in the Face of Immense World-System Comp-lexity and Crisis. Review of L. E. Grinin, A. V. Korota-yev, and Arno Tausch ‘Economic Cycles, Crises, and the Global Periphery’, Springer International Publishing; 2016// Kondratieff waves: The Spectrum of Opinions
Harper, Tony
Global Volcanism as It Impacts the Integrity of the World System// Evolution: Development within Big History, Evolutionary and World-System Paradigms
Harper, Tony
Leonid E. Grinin and Andrey V. Korotayev's ‘Great Divergence and Great Convergence: A Global Perspective’, Springer International Publishing, 2015// History & Mathematics: Economy, Demography, Culture, and Cosmic Civilizations
Harper, Tony
Review of L. E. Grinin, A. V. Korotayev ‘Great Divergence and Great Convergence: A Global Perspective’, Springer International Publishing; 2015// Kondratieff waves: Cycles, Crises, and Forecasts
Harper, Tony
Review of Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotayev's ‘Great Divergence and Great Convergence: A Global Perspective’, Springer International Publishing, 2015// Evolution: Evolution and Big History: Dimensions, Trends, and Forecasts
Harper, Tony
Rough Waters Ahead// History & Mathematics: Political, Demographic, and Environmental Dimensions
Harper, Tony
Rough Waters Ahead// Kondratieff waves: Kondratieff's Theoretical Legacy: Perspectives from Modern Times
Harper, Tony
The Pattern of Agrarian Civilization Survivorship and Its Consequences// Evolution: Complexity in Nature, Society, and Cognition
Harper, Tony
The Punctuated Equilibrium Macropattern of World System Urbanization and the Factors that Give Rise to that Macropattern// History & Mathematics: Big History Aspects
Harper, Tony
The Trajectory of the World System over the Last 5000 Years// History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics
Harper, Tony
The Trajectory of the World System over the Last 5000 Years// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Theories, Research & Teaching
Harper, Tony
The World System Trajectory: The Reality of Constraints and the Potential for Prediction// History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles
List of Authors