Gronek, Erika K. H.
Last name: Gronek
Name: Erika K. H.
Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
Erika K. H. Gronek is a web-designer, filmmaker, educational technologist, children's book writer and illustrator, and – most importantly – a mother. She holds a BA degree from Arizona State University in Political Science and Anthropology, as well as a Master's degree in Educational Technology Leadership from The George Washington University (Washington, D.C.). Her creative work started in web-design in 1997, then merged into photography, filmmaking and education. She won best commercial and best documentary film awards at the SCC MP/TV Film Festival in Scottsdale, Arizona, in 2007 and 2010. She also worked as an educational technologist for the Institute for Supply Management in Tempe, Arizona, for 6 years and taught at the Art Institute of Phoenix. Her volunteer work has included video-editing for The WILD Foundation, as well as photography and web-design for The Harvard Club of Phoenix. Ms. Gronek lives in Phoenix, Arizona, with her husband and young son. Her hobbies are her occupations, because she believes that they should be one and the same.
Author's Articles
Gronek, Erika K. H.
And Then There Was You…: A Children's Story of Science and Emotion// Evolution: A Big History Perspective
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