Other materials
- The 2023 IBHA Conference "Humanity on a Finite Planet: A Big History Perspective", 7-9 July 2023
Leonid Grinin and Anton Grinin "Chemical Evolution in Big History"
Leonid Grinin "Evolutionary Phases of Big History and Complexity"
«Population Ageing, the Problem of Inequality in the World System, and the Global Financial System» (Andrey KOROTAYEV and Leonid GRININ)
XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology,International Sociological Association July 15–21, 2018 Toronto, Canada (The study has been supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 17-06-00464))
Leonid E. Grinin, Anton L. Grinin Evolution of the early Solar system in terms of Big History and Global Evolution
The V International Scientific Congress “Globalistics–2017” was held at Russia's Moscow State University (MSU) from September 25–30, 2017
The Initial patterns of evolution
Conference Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Theories and Methods for the Studies of the Origin of States. Shanghai, China, November 14–15, 2015. Shanghai: Research Centre on Ancient Civilizations
The Initial patterns of evolution.
Second international symposium Big History and Global Evolution
Moscow, october 26-28, 2015The Forthcoming Epoch of Self-Regulating Systems and Mbnric-Technologies.
Disruptive Innovations, Pivotal Moments and Crossroads.
Clipper Conference 2014. October 2-3, 2014-
The Star-Galaxy Era of Big History in The Light of Evolutionary Principles.
IBHA conference,
August 6 - 10 2014, Dominican University of California.
The Quantitative Characteristics of the Upswing and Downswing Phases of Kondratieff Waves and the Juglar Cycles
The 7th International Scientific Conference
Cliodynamics: The Complex System Analysis and Mathematic Modelling of Global, Local, and National Dynamics",
Moscow, 9-11 June 2014Early State and Ancient Democracy
International Academic Conference on Political Systems of Early States
June 19-22, 2013. Xi`an, China.
The Production Revolutions Theory and Forthcoming Technologies Revised
International Conference on Trends and Cycles in Global Dynamics and Perspectives of World Development
Chengdu, China
13-15 October 2012
K-Waves and Juglar Cycles
International Conference on Trends and Cycles in Global Dynamics and Perspectives of World Development
Chengdu, China
13-15 October 2012
Laws & Rules of Big History Biological and Social Phases
Third Annual Midwest World History Association Conference. Theme: "The Reshaping of Planet Earth: Connections Between Humans and the Environment in World History"
Grand Rapids, Michigan
2-5 August 2012
Can China Become the Global Leader?
V International Conference on Global Research.
20-22 June 2012, Moscow
Global Technological Transformations and Global Future
Global Future 2045 International Congress
Feb 17-20 2012, Moscow
The World History and World System Globalization in Retrospective. An Outline of the Afroeurasian World-System Evolution
Twentieth Annual World History Association Conference Global History Center, Capital Normal University
Beijing, China
7-10 July 2011
Biological & Social Phases of Big History: Similarities & Differences
Twentieth Annual World History Association Conference Global History Center, Capital Normal University
Beijing, China
7-10 July 2011
Urbanization and Political Evolution of the World System.
The Political Economy of World-System Conference.
April 2010, New Paltz
Fifth International Conference «Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilizations».
Moscow, June 23-26, 2009.