Gill, Timothy M.
Last name: Gill
Name: Timothy M.
Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. Timothy M. Gill’s research interests include political sociology, global/transnational sociology, comparative-historical sociology, and sociological theory. In his work, Gill has focused on U.S. democracy assistance efforts in Venezuela under the government of former President Hugo Chávez, and the Venezuelan government’s attempts to prohibit these efforts. His work has been published in academic outlets, including Sociological Forum, Current Sociology, The American Sociologist, NACLA Report on the Americas, and Third World Quarterly. He is also a co-moderator of the Washington Office on Latin America’s Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights blog, and he has published in additional public outlets, including the Washington Post Monkey Cage Blog, Cleveland Plain Dealer, World Politics Review, and Policy Trajectories, the blog of the American Sociological As-sociation's Comparative-Historical Section.
Author's Articles
Gill, Timothy M.
An Aperture into US Global Empire: Methodological Pursuits after the Cablegate Release// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 8, Number 2 / November 2017
List of Authors