Gavrilets, S.
Sergey Gavrilets is a Distinguished Professor at the Department of Ecology and Evolu-tionary Biology and the Department of Mathematics at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as well as an Associate Director for Scientific Activities at the National In-stitute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) in Knoxville. He obtained his PhD in Physics and Mathematics from the Moscow State University in the USSR in 1987. He subsequently worked at the Vavilov Institute of General Genet-ics in Moscow, the Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique in Toulouse, France, and the University of California at Davis, USA, before moving to Knoxville in 1995. He has received the President's Award from the American Society of Naturalists (1999) and the Guggenheim Fellowship (2008). He has published a monograph on the mathematical theory of speciation (in 2004) and over 100 papers. His current research interests are in speciation, human origins, and human social and societal evolution.
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