Feinman, Gary M.
Last name: Feinman
Name: Gary M.
Gary M. Feinman is the Curator of Mesoamerican Anthropology at The Field Museum, Chicago, IL, USA. His research interests include the archaeology of complex societies and preindustrial economics. He has directed archaeological field projects for more than a decade in Oaxaca, Mexico and Shandong, China. His publications include: (edited with Linda M. Nicholas), 2004: Archaeological Perspectives on Political Economies, University of Utah Press; (with Richard Blanton, Stephen Kowalewski, and Linda M. Nicholas), Ancient Oaxaca, Cambridge University Press, 1999; and (edited with Joyce Marcus), Archaic States, School of American Research Press, 1998. He can be contacted at gfeinman@fmnh.org
Author's Articles
Feinman, Gary M.
‘The Evolution of Social Institutions’: Review and Prospect// Social Evolution & History. Volume 20, Number 2 / September 2021
Chabal, Patrick ; Feinman, Gary M.; Skalník, Peter
Beyond States and Empires: Chiefdoms and Informal Politics// Social Evolution & History. Volume 3, Number 1 / March 2004
Feinman, Gary M.
Circumscription Theory and Political Change: From Determinism to Mechanisms and Parameters// Social Evolution & History. Volume 11, Number 2 / September 2012
Feinman, Gary M.
Rethinking Premodern Governance: Passing the Torch// Social Evolution & History. Volume 22, Number 2 / September 2023
Feinman, Gary M.
Variability in States: Comparative Frameworks// Social Evolution & History. Volume 7, Number 1 / March 2008
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