Derluguian, Georgi
Last name: Derluguian
Name: Georgi
Associate Professor; doctoral degrees from the Soviet Academy of Sciences in 1990 and SUNY - Binghamton in 1995. Areas of interest include historical sociology, ethnic wars, and world-systems analysis. Before coming to Northwestern, Derluguian taught at the University of Michigan. His monograph Bourdieu's Secret Admirer in the Caucasus: A World-Systems biography (University of Chicago Press, 2005) was awarded an honorable mentioning by the Political Sociology Section of the ASA and listed among Books of the Year by the Times Literary Supplement (1 December 2006). Recent theoretical work focused on the synthetic understanding of capitalism and the dynamics of state socialism. The field research dealt with guerrilla wars and terrorism in the Caucasus and Central Asia. Currently writing a monograph about the transformation of Chechnya into a base of Islamic militancy. Prof. Derluguian usually teaches large undergraduate classes with many TAs.
Author's Articles
Derluguian, Georgi
Some Ideas about Empires on Europe's Periphery (The Worlds the Portuguese, the Russians, and the Turks Created)// Social Evolution & History. Volume 6, Number 1 / March 2007
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