David, Alexandra
Last name: David
Name: Alexandra
PhD, holds a master degree in communication science at the University Duisburg-Essen (GER) and economic studies at the Distant University in Hagen (GER). Since January 2006 she is researcher at the Institute for Work and Technology, Westphalian University and part of the research department ‘Innovation, Space & Culture’. Here, her research questions focus on the topics of migration and innovation. Above all, she considers concepts of empowerment of immigrants as well as regional potentials of immigrant entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial cultures. She is strongly interested in the integration and social participation of vulnerable and marginalised groups in general. Regional human capital concepts that promote sustainable, inclusive growth and a resilient society are part of her work. She wrote her doctoral thesis at the University of Twente (Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability) in Enschede (NL) titled: ‘Human Capital and the Role of Networks – Migration, Inclusion and New Qualification for a Sustainable Regional Economy’. She is author and editor of several scientific publications. She owns over ten years of experience as lead and project partner as well as reviewer in national and international projects.
Author's Articles
David, Alexandra ; Barwińska-Małajowicz, Anna
Where do We Go from Here? The EU Migration Flows after the Brexit Referendum. Possible Future Scenarios in the Polish Example// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 9, Number 2 / November 2018
List of Authors