Chumakov, Alexander N.

Chumakov, Alexander N.

Last name:  Chumakov
Name:  Alexander N.

Alexander N. Chumakov is Professor, Head of Philosophy Department at Financial Academy under the Government of Russia, First Vice-President of the Russian Philosophical Society. His professional interests lie in Global Studies, social philosophy, global problems and ecology. Among his scholarly publications are the following monographs: The Philosophy of Global Problems (1994, in Russian; 1996 – in Chinese); Globalization. The Outlines of Integral World (2005, 2nd edition – in 2009; in Russian); The Essence of Contemporary Globalization (2007, in Russian); Philosophy of Globalization. Selected articles (2010).

More than 380 authored academic publications. Editor of more than 50 books, textbooks, dictionaries.

Professional activity: lecturer, researcher, administrator; the First Vice-President of the Russian Philosophical Society; leading Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences; head of the Chair of Philosophy at the Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation; editor-in-chief of the “RFO Bulletin”; editor-in-chief of “The Age of Globalization”; deputy Editor-in-chief of «Humanities. Bulletin of the Financial University»; editor-in-chief of a periodical «Works of the RFO Members»; member of the Dissertation Board on Philsophy; member of the Presidium of the Teaching and Methodological Board on Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies of the Teaching and Methodological Council on Classical University Education; member of the Research and Methodological Council on Philosophy of the Education Ministry of the RF; editor-in-chief of the Global Studies Encyclopedia (2003) and Dictionary (2006), the Russian and English versions.

Author's Articles
Journal: Almanac:
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