Božić-Miljković, Ivana
Last name: Božić-Miljković
Name: Ivana
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Legal and Business studies ‘Dr Lazar Vrkatić’ in Novi Sad. She works in Novi Sad, at the department of Economics sciences. She teaches Introduction to Economics, International Economics and the Economics of Trade. Ivana is the author of more than 60 professional and scientific papers. With some of these papers she has participated in international conferences in Geneva, Sofia, Vienna, Prague, Thessaloniki and New York. Field of her interest, beside international economics, also includes other areas of the economy: by Republic of Serbia Ministry of Justice resolution she was appointed for judicial expert for economy – financial field; specialty: finance, banking and insurance. She also deals with estimates of capital of the companies in restructuring in Serbia.
Author's Articles
Božić-Miljković, Ivana
Foreign Trade between Russia and the Balkans in the Context of Global Geostrategic Relations// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 5, Number 2 / November 2014
List of Authors