Bernard, Lucas
Last name: Bernard
Name: Lucas
Dr., is a financial economist and professor of business at the New York City College of Technology of the City University of New York. He is interested in the ways in which Economics blends together human values, politics, rationality, and irrationality; more specifically, how this interplay reveals itself in society at large. His doctoral dissertation, concerning endogenous models of credit default, was written at the New School for Social Research; he also holds graduate degrees in both Mathematics (City University of New York) and Computer Science (New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences). Dr. Bernard's publications have appeared in The Journal of Credit Risk, The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Risk and Decision Analysis, and others. Together with Willi Semmler, he is co-editor of The Oxford Handbook of the Macroeconomics of Global Warming (2014), published by Oxford University Press.
Author's Articles
Bernard, Lucas ; Gevorkyan, Aleksandr ; Palley, Thomas ; Semmler, Willi
Long-Wave Economic Cycles: The Contributions of Kondratieff, Kuznets, Schumpeter, Kalecki, Goodwin, Kaldor, and Minsky// Kondratieff waves: Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratieff
List of Authors