Anderson, David G.
David G. Anderson is an archaeologist in the department of anthropology at the Uni-versity of Tennessee, Knoxville, who specializes in Southeastern archaeology. His professional interests include exploring the development of cultural complexity in Eastern North America, maintaining and improving the nation's CRM program, teaching and writing about archaeology, and developing technical and popular syntheses of archaeological research. He is the project director of the on-line Paleoindian Database of the Americas. Anderson has conducted field work and led field projects in many locations in the Eastern United States, as well as projects in the Southwest and the Caribbean. His work is documented in over 200 publications, some 30 technical mon-ographs, and 7 books. Anderson has received a number of professional awards from his colleagues, including the Excellence in Cultural Resource Management Research Award from the Society for American Archaeology (1999), the Dissertation Prize from the Society for American Archaeology (1991), and the first C. B. Moore Award for Excellence in Southeastern Archaeological Studies by the Lower Mississippi Valley Survey / Southeastern Archaeological Conference (1990). In 2006 he was elected President-elect of the Southeastern Archaeological Conference and served as President of that organization from 2008 to 2010. He has served as President of the South Carolina Council of Professional Archaeologists (1992–1993), The Tennessee Council for Professional Archaeology (2006–2007), and the Archaeological Society of South Carolina (1998–1999), and as an officer or board member in a number of state, regional, and national professional organizations.
Author's Articles
Gavrilets, Sergey; Anderson, David G.; Turchin, Peter
Cycling in the Complexity of Early Societies// History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles
List of Authors