Akbari, Ramin
Last name: Akbari
Name: Ramin
Holding a PhD in English Language Teaching. He is an Associate Professor at Tarbiat Modares University TEFL Department, Tehran; and Head of the Teacher Quality Control Department of Safir Language Institute, Tehran. He was the Top student of national MA TESOL examination, 1991. Since 1994, he has also experienced Instructing at Islamic Azad University, Tehran. He supervised the needs analysis and content specification of national ESP project for Iran's Ministry of Higher Education during 2005 and 2006. He is the President of the Iranian affiliate of TESOL, TESOL Persia 2012 to the present: Head of Teacher Education SIG of TELLSI. He has taught different Courses at MA and PhD levels; they include: Language teaching methodology, Teaching L2 skills and components, Practicum, Applied linguistics. In addition, he has supervised and advised more than 20 MA theses and PhD dissertations in Applied Linguistics. He has published more than thirty articles in scientific journals, five book chapters, and book reviews in the ‘The Canadian Modern Language Review’ and in ‘Studies in Second Language Acquisition’. His main areas of interest include teacher education, critical pedagogy, English as an International Language.
Author's Articles
Peyman, Neda; Samar, Reza Ghafar; Akbari, Ramin; Kiany, Gholam Reza
Intercultural Language Education and Home Culture Concerns: A Framework for Local Material Design// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 7, Number 2 / November 2016
List of Authors