List of Articles: From Big Bang to Nanorobots
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Once More about Aspects, Directions, General Patterns and Principles of Evolutionary Development
I. Universal Evolutionary Principles
Grinin, Leonid
Cosmic Evolution and Universal Evolutionary Principles -
LePoire, David
Potential Nested Accelerating Returns Logistic Growth in Big History -
Christian, David G.
Universal Darwinism and Human History -
Baker, David
Collective Learning as a Key Concept in Big History -
Benjamin, Craig
Collective Learning and the Silk Roads
II. Biosocial Evolution, Ecological Aspects, and Consciousness
Korotayev, Andrey; Markov, Alexander V.; Grinin, Leonid
Modeling of Biological and Social Phases of Big History -
Panov, Alexander
Prebiological Panspermia and the Hypothesis of the Self-Consistent Galaxy Origin of Life -
Sorokina, Olga A.; Gorter, Rendt
Social Evolution of Humankind as an Integral Part of the Evolution of the Biosphere -
Tobias, Michael C.; Morrison, Jane Gray
The ‘Ahimsa Factor’: Ecological Non-Violence Process Analysis in China and Its Implications for Global Paradigmatic Shifts -
Ponomariov, Ilya V.
Situational Binding and Inner Speech: Cross-Sectional Evidences
III. Projects for the Future
Bondarenko, Valentina
Governing the Time Will Govern Development – or, ‛Territory of Faster Development: Everything for People’ Megaproject Realization Proposals -
Vasilenko, Vasily N.
The Noospheric Concept of Evolution, Globalization and Big History -
Grinin, Anton L. ; Grinin, Leonid
Cybernetic Revolution and Forthcoming Technological Transformations (The Development of the Leading Technologies in the Light of the Theory of Production Revolutions) -
In Memoriam