Akbari, Ramin

Holding a PhD in English Language Teaching. He is an Associate Professor at Tarbiat Modares University TEFL Department, Tehran; and Head of the Teacher Quality Control Department of Safir Language Institute, Tehran. He was the Top student of national MA TESOL examination, 1991....

Samar, Reza Ghafar

Associate professor of (Socio)linguistics and Applied Linguistics. He holds a Ph.D. from University of Ottawa, Canada in Applied-Sociolinguistics and specializes in Sociolinguistics (Variation Theory, Bilingualism, and intercultural communication) and its application to Second/Foreign...

Peyman, Neda

PhD Candidate in Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. She has got the top 300th rank in the nation-wide University Entrance Exam, 2000; and also ranked 10th in nation-wide MA Entrance Exam, 2005. She is a member of Academic Circles such as Asia Teachers of English as Foreign...

Kemp, Peter

University of Copenhagen, Honorary President of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies on ‘From the science of language to the understanding of religion’.

Ng, C Michael

Lecturer in Economics, School of Arts and Social Sciences, the Open University of Hong Kong, Visiting Research Associate, Institute of Adult Learning, Singapore.

Karelin, Dmitriy V.

Moscow State University; Centre for Ecology and Forest Productivity, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow

Ivanov, Evgeny

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Rudenko, Maria

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Ivanov, Dmitry

St. Petersburg State University

Ichkitidze, Yury

National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow