Section 2. Global Studies Curricula and Syllabi around the World

Section 2. Global Studies Curricula and Syllabi around the World

Section 2. GLOBAL STUDIES curricula AND


Part 1.

Universities with global studies education at bachelor’s level

Arizona State University, USA

1. Name of university Arizona State University

2. Year of foundation 1885

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied School of Politics and

Global Studies

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies (2005)

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) The school offers undergraduate Degrees (BA, BS) in Global


7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

Undergraduate program in Global Studies normally takes eight semesters to complete. During this period students are supposed to study the causes and consequences of problems that cross national boundaries, and the governance of these problems in social, cultural, and economic contexts. Each student addresses real world problems and their solutions in the context of the New American University. This mission is enabled by an internationally recognized faculty from a wide variety of disciplines in the social sciences, humanities and law with extensive global experience.

9. Full description of program

Undergraduate program in Global Studies employs diverse theoretical and disciplinary perspectives in the study of global processes, institutions and problems across global, national, regional and local scales. It includes compulsory courses and elective ones as well.

Compulsory, or fundamental, courses are:

– Access to the World;

– College Mathematics;

– Cultural Diversity in the USA;

– Global Awareness;

– Historical Awareness;

– Humanities, Fine Arts and Design;

– Internship;

– Natural Science;

– Professional Global Career Development;

– Political Statistics;

– Research Methods;

– Second Language;

– Social and Behavioral Sciences;

– Social Statistics;

– Thinking Globally: The Individual and Authority.

Elective courses are divided into five blocks which represent the areas the current students focus on: Cultural Perspectives and Place, Economic Development, Global Governance, Urban Systems and Environment, Violence and Conflict.

These courses are:

1) Cultural Perspectives and Place track:

– Global History since 1500;

– Religion and Globalization;

– Introduction to Southeast Asia;

– Global Trends;

– Place making in a Globalizing World;

– China in Transition;

– Yoruba in the African Diaspora;

– Islam and World Affairs;

– Islam & Islamic Societies in Africa;

– Cultural Aspects of Globalization;

– Religions of India;

– Globalization and China;

– Gender, Culture and Development.

2) Economic Development track:

– Economic Development in Historical Perspective;

– Economic Development in Transitional Societies;

– Global Markets;

– Policies for Economic Development;

– Principles of Economic Development;

– Global Trade in Real Time;

– Capstone: Understanding China.

3) Global Governance track:

– Mechanisms of Governance;

– International Institutions and Global Governance;

– Alien Rule and Discontent;

– Diplomacy and Foreign Service;

– International Institutions;

– Working International Organizations;

– Contemporary Global Trends;

– World Society;

– Religion and Global Politics;

– Different Voices within Contemporary Islamic Discourse;

– Race, Ethnicity, and Politics;

– International Women;

– Comparative Empires;

– The Use of Covert Action: The U.S. Experience;

– Capstone: Global Civil Society and Global Studies;

– Capstone: Collective Action & Global Public Goods.

4) Urban Systems & Environment track:

– Global Urban Systems;

– Urbanization in China;

– Globalization and the Environment: Problems and Solutions;

– Introduction to Environmental Issues;

– Global Environmental Conflict;

– Gender Globalization and Sustainability;

– International Development and Sustainability;

– Natural Catastrophe & Urban Response;

Capstone: Coping with Climate Change.

5) Violence & Conflict track:

– Humanitarian Crisis and International Intervention;

– Globalization, Colonialism, and Religion;

– Intro to Humanitarian & Disaster Relief Work;

– Violence/Conflict/Human Right;

– Working/Humanity Organizations;

– Religion;

– Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict;

– Facing the Past: Truth, Memory, Denial after Atrocities;

– Politics of Global Justice;

– Media & Politics: Conflict and Terrorism SE Asia;

– National and Ethnic Conflict.

The course of study is intellectually demanding and stimulating, ensuring students to graduate with defined skills necessary for careers in globally oriented corporations, government agencies, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations, and for admission for leading graduate and professional schools.

10. International agreements No information

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

School of Politics and Global Studies

Coor Hall, 6th Floor

975 Myrtle Avenue

Temple, AZ 85287-3902

Phone: 480-965-8563

Fax: 480-965-39-29


University of Minnesota, USA

1. Name of university University of Minnesota

2. Year of foundation 1851

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied College of Liberal Arts (Insti-

tute for Global Studies)

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Undergraduate

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

This program allows students to combine thematic and regional courses with the major’s core theoretical courses, experiential opportunities and language study. The degree encourages the development of strong analytical skills, writing skills, and the ability to approach issues from multiple viewpoints. By combining coursework, language study, and experiential opportunities such as study abroad and internships, the major is ideally suited for students wishing to work in public, private, and non-profit organizations dealing with global and cross-cultural issues.

9. Full description

All courses taught in Global Studies are:

– twentieth-century Europe from the End of World War II to the End of the Millennium;

– twentieth-century India;

– Advanced Topics in South Asian Studies;

– Altering States: after Communism;

– Cold War: 1945–91;

– Crime and Human Rights;

– Culture and Society of India;

– Cultural Anthropology;

– Debating ‘Development’: Contested Visions;

– Directed Studies;

– Directed Research;

– Environment & Empire;

– Environment and Development in the Third World;

– Europe: a Geographic Perspective;

– Europe and its Margins;

– Food, Culture and Society;

– Foreign Language;

– Freshman Seminar;

– From Printing Press to Internet: Media, Communications and History;

– Fund and World Trade Organization;

– Gender and the Family in the Islamic World;

– Geography of Global Cities;

– Global Institutions of Power: World Bank, International Monetary;

– Globalization: Issues and Challenges;

– Globalization and Social Justice;

– Global Studies;

– Globalize This! Understanding Globalization through Sociology;

– Honors Course: Supervised Research Paper;

– Honors: Global Studies Practicum;

– Honors: Senior Seminar in Global Studies;

– History of Capitalism: Development since 1500;

– Human Rights Advocacy;

– Human Rights Internship;

– International Human Rights Law;

– Islam and the West;

– Knowledge, Power and the Politics of Representation in Global Studies;

– Life for Sale: Global Debates on Environment, Science, and Society;

– Living in the Global;

– Major Project Seminar;

– News Coverage of International Events;

– Other Worlds: Globalization and Culture;

– Population in an Interacting World;

– Race, Class and the Politics of Nature;

– Senior Seminar in Global Studies;

– Society and the Environment: a Growing Conflict;

– Sociology of International Law;

– Sustainable People, Sustainable Planet;

– Theoretical Approaches to Global Studies;

– Topics: Freshman Seminar;

– Topics in African Area Studies;

– Topics in Global Studies;

– Topics in East Asian Studies;

– Topics in European Studies;

– Topics in Latin American Studies;

– Topics in Middle Eastern Studies;

– Topics in Russian Area Studies;

– Topics in South Asian Studies.

10. International agreements No information

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Institute for Global Studies

214 Social Sciences

267 19th Ave S

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: (612) 624-9007

Fax: (612) 626-2242


Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada

1. Name of university Wilfrid Laurier University

2. Year of foundation Its predecessors are Evangelical Lutheran Seminary of Canada

(1911), Waterloo College of Arts (1925), and Waterloo

Lutheran University (1960). From the year of 1973 it has

been named as Wilfrid Laurier University.

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Faculty of Arts, Global Studies


4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Undergraduate (BA)

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

Global Studies is a multidisciplinary department concerned with the study of global societies, issues and events that shape today's world. The department offers a BA in a single or combined honors program in four years. We cultivate an environment that fosters high academic achievement, while also preparing students for a range of professional careers after graduation. Students are expected to work through three areas of inquiry: ‘comparative development’, ‘peace and conflict’, and ‘globalization and cultures’. In so doing, they are required to progressively develop their knowledge, proceeding from general concepts and issues into more specific and advanced theories, as well as research methodologies. They are also required to apply a multidisciplinary range of conceptual and analytical tools to think in critical, ethical and innovative ways. Finally, students are also required to develop a degree of second language competency and may choose to complete an experiential component in their program of study by participating in a volunteer placement nationally or abroad.

9. Full description

Typical courses that serve as description of the program are:

– Contemporary Global Conflicts and the Search for Peace;

– Contemporary Western Societies: Globalization and Cultures;

– Civil Society, Social Movements and Globalization;

– City Worlds;

– Dialogue and Critique in an Age of Terror;

– Directed Studies;

– Disarming Conflicts;

– Disasters and Development;

– Ecological Citizenship;

– Ethnical Encounters;

– Field Course in Global Studies;

– Global Humanitarianism: the Paradoxes of Giving;

– Global Migrations, Refugees and Diasporas;

– Global Studies: a Case Study;

– Global Studies Fieldwork;

– Global Justice;

– Global Studies in Practice;

– Globalization and Cultures: the Cosmopolitan Village;

– Introduction to Global Studies;

– Islam Culture and Society;

– Methods in Global Studies;

– Narratives of/about Violence;

– Nature, Culture and Development;

– Neoliberalism and its Critics;

– Peace Building in the Shadow of War;

– Peace and Conflict Transformation: an Introduction;

– Post-Field Placement;

– Practices of Development;

– Seminar in Global Studies;

– Senior Field Course in Global Studies;

– Special Topics in Global Studies;

– The Individualized World;

– Theories in Global Studies;

– Theories of Development;

– Tourism and the Globe;

– War and Conflict: an Introduction.

10. International agreements

Wilfrid Laurier University is a current member of the Global Studies Consortium.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Global Studies Department

Faculty of Arts

Wilfrid Laurier University

5-120 Alvin Woods Building

75 University Ave. W.

Waterloo, ON, N2L 3C5

Phone: 519-884-0710 x.3968

Fax: 519-884-8854


Part 2.

Universities with global studies education at Master’s and/or PhD levels

Erasmus Mundus Global Studies Consortium

1. Name of university Erasmus Mundus Global Studies Consor-

tium comprises five leading European

Universities: University of Leipzig, Lon-

don School of Economics and Political Science, Roskilde University, University of Vienna, University of Wroclaw.

2. Year of foundation 2005

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Global Studies disciplines are offered on

the departments of the current consortium's members.

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies – A European Perspective


5. Number of students 71

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Postgraduate (MA)

7. Languages of study English, German

8. Short description of program

It is a two-year program at two different European universities, at each for one academic year. Students can specialize in particular areas of globalization research:

1) at the University of Leipzig on comparative analysis of global entanglements both historically and for the present times, focusing on Eastern Europe, Western Europe, East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Northern Africa and the Middle East, Latin America and Northern America;

2) at the London School of Economics on the economic and social history and analysis of economic globalization since around 1400;

3) at the Roskilde University on development studies, global political economy and global governance, political culture and civil society;

4) at the University of Vienna study of international organizations, global history from the year 1500 onwards, as well as area-related analysis of East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Europe and Latin America;

5) at the University of Wroclaw on the analysis of transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe, security issues, regional cooperation, communications and the media.

All modules comprise history, cultural, area studies, social or political based approaches upon historical and contemporary patterns of globalization and different societal responses, towards these processes.

9. Full description

Each student needs to complete 11 modules. Scientific disciplines are offered at more than five universities.

Disciplines offered in Leipzig are:

– Global History, International Studies;

– Methods for the Study of Globalization;

– Regions in Globalization;

– Global Studies Colloquium and Summer School;

– Academic Writing and Research Skills;

– World Orders and Cultural Transfers under the Global Condition.

Disciplines offered in London are:

– Economic Change in Global History: Approaches and Analysis;

– The Development and Integration of the World Economy in the 19th and 20th centuries;

– Pre-Modern Paths of Growth: East and West Compared, c. 1000–1800;

– Regions in the Global Economic History;

– Essay (6,000 words) in Global History;

– Winter and Summer School;

– Thesis Discussion, Research Design and Quantitative Methods in Economic History.

Disciplines offered in Roskilde are:

– Global Politics, Global Governance, Regionalization and State Sovereignty;

– Methodological Workshop ‘How to Write a Project’;

– Global Political Economy + Project;

– Summer School;

– Winter School;

– Global Governance – Europeanization & Globalization;

– Globalization, Political Culture, Civil Society & Social Movements;

– Methodological Workshop ‘Comparative Methodology’;

– Thesis Seminar; International Presentations Colloquium.

Disciplines offered in Vienna are:

– Introduction to Global History;

– Theories of Global History;

– Methods of Global History;

– Global History by World Regions;

– Thematic Aspects of Global History;

– Winter and Summer School;

– Theories of Global Study – with emphasis on areas;

– Methods of Global History – with emphasis on areas;

– Global History by Regions – specialize in one region;

– Thematic Aspects of Global History – specialize on one aspect;

– Research Colloquium.

Disciplines offered in Wroclaw are:

– Aspects of Globalization & Regionalization;

– International Relations;

– Economic Systems & Political Economy;

– Transformation Economics, Security & IR;

– Society & Politics;

– Research seminar, winter and summer school;

– Globalization: Selected Issues;

– Systems in Transition; International Cooperation and Security;

– Societies in Transition;

– Research Colloquium.

Scientific disciplines offered at Non-European partner universities:

1) Dalhousie: Development/Philosophy of Social Sciences; Environment and Development; Comparative Theory;

2) Macquarie: Globalization and Sustainable Development; The International System; Globalization and the North-South Relationship;

3) Fudan: Modernity in Asia and Europe Compared; Modern Chinese History; International Relations from a Chinese Perspective;

4) JNU: Levels of Regional Development in India; Government and Politics in India; Social Geography;

5) UCSB: Global Culture and Religion; Political Economy, Sustainable Development and the Environment; Contemporary Globalization;

6) Stellenbosch: Conflict in Africa; Global Political Economy ; Negotiating Transition;

7) Addis Ababa: Peace and Security in Africa; Human Rights and Development; New Regionalism in Africa.

The continuous quality of the program is assured through a constant evaluation process by its students, and alumni, the teaching and administrative personnel, as well as by external review.

10. International agreements

The European Master in Global Studies is maintaining a partnership with the following six leading non-European universities: Dalhousie University (Canada), Fudan University (China), Jawaharlal Nehru University (India), Macquarie University (Australia), University of California at Santa Barbara (USA), and University of Stellenbosch (South Africa).

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Global and European Studies Institute

Faculty of Social Science and Philosophy

University of Leipzig

Emil-Fuchs-Strasse 1

04105 Leipzig


Phone: +49 341-97-302-30

Fax: +49341-96-052-61



Hanyang University, South Korea

1. Name of university Hanyang University

2. Year of foundation 1939

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Research Institute of Comparative

History and Culture

4. Name of program and year of beginning Transnational Humanities (2009)

5. Number of students 31

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Postgraduate (MA)

7. Languages of study No information

8. Short description of program

The main aim of a program is to train capable transnational intellects by providing a curriculum that crosses the boundaries of nation-states and academic disciplines.

This is the only graduate program in Korea which employs the transnational paradigm, opens up humanistic inquiry and develops free and progressive minds. In addition to the Transnational Humanities curriculum, other learning opportunities and support measures are provided, including the Transnational Humanities Lecture Series, the Flying University of Transnational Humanities (a summer school), cross-registration programs with leading universities worldwide, internships in international organizations, and scholarships for all students.

9. Full description

The postgraduate program in Transnational Humanities entails a flexible process of discovery created together by teachers and students.

Courses in Transnational Humanities are divided into three categories: Introductory, Focus, and Seminar and Text Reading.

Introductory courses are:

– Introduction to Transnational Humanities;

– Globalization: Theory and History;

– Transnational History: Theory and Methodology;

– Translation and Comparison;

Media and Narrative in Transnational Perspectives.

Focus courses are:

– Transnational Cultural Studies;

– Nationalism and Transnationalism;

– Migration and Diaspora;

– Citizenship and Identity Politics in Global Age;

– Social Ethnics in Multicultural Society;

– Border and Area Studies;

– Archaeology of knowledge 1: History, Literature and Society;

– Archaeology of knowledge 2: Science, Technology & Medicine.

Seminar and Text Reading section includes ‘Seminar: Issues in Transnational Humanities 1, 2’ and ‘Multilingual Text Reading 1, 2’.

10. International agreements

The Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture is the only member of the Global Studies Consortium in South Korea. Also it is in a collaborative network with Asia New Humanities Net and International Conference of Labour and Social History.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Research Institute of Comparative History and Culture

Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea

Phone: +82-2-2220-4624

Fax: +82-2-2298-0542



Hitotsubashi University, Japan

1. Name of university Hitotsubashi University

2. Year of foundation 1920

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Institute for the Study of Global Issues

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Issues Course (1996)

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Postgraduate (MA), PhD

7. Languages of study English, Japanese

8. Short description of program

The Global Issues Course aims to equip students with both research and professional skills. Its curriculum therefore includes core theoretical and practical courses. The former are required to gain a theoretical understanding of modern global problems and processes, while the latter are designed to teach useful methods for conducting specific analyses and looking for possible solutions. Students can enroll in both kinds of courses according to their research interests and needs.

The Global Issues Course is unique and has its features. First of all, the course turns conventional postgraduate sociological education on its head by first identifying concrete issues of concern and then trying to unravel the often intricate contexts in which they occur. In order to do that, students construct analytical frameworks and look into existing bodies of sociological knowledge and research methodology such as they find necessary. Secondly, during their studies, students are expected to not only theorize about the social problems they are investigating, but also to formulate practical solutions for them. Moreover, it is taken into account that many of the biggest social problems of our age are occurring in Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. That is why the Institute provides an opportunity for students to free themselves from traditional Euro-centric ways of thinking to a necessary degree and be more receptive to the peculiarities of local contexts in their research.

To conclude, the program follows three basic principles: an issue-focused methodology, solution-oriented investigation, a de-Eurocentric approach.

9. Full description

The courses offered by the faculty are divided into different blocks: Anthropology, Economics, Psychiatry, Political Science, Sociology, Geography, Environmental Science, Television Production, Media Studies, and Astronomy.

10. International agreements

Institute for the Study of Global Issues is a founding member of the Global Studies Consortium, an international network of graduate teaching programs on global studies.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Institute for the Study of Global Issues

Graduate School of Social Science, Hitotsubashi University

2-1 Naka Kinitachi, Tokyo 186-8601, Japan

Phone: +81-42-580-9098, E-mail:


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

1. Name of university University of Illinois at Urbana


2. Year of foundation 1867

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Center for Global Studies

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies (International Studies)

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Postgraduate (MA)

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

Global Studies is an interdisciplinary program of study that provides a strong foundation in the analysis of contemporary global issues through coursework, research and experiences in the field. The Global Studies program of study was developed in response to the growing demand for knowledge, skills, and values to successfully navigate concerns at international and global levels.

9. Full description

Program courses include required core courses, as well as topics-based seminars and seminars abroad offered by the Global Studies faculty and faculty from other departments on campus.

These courses are:

– Introduction to Global Studies;

– Undergraduate Open Seminar;

– Field Work Preparation;

– Foundations to Global Studies Research;

– Governance, Development;

– Global Studies Foundation Seminar;

– Global Studies Seminar Abroad;

– International Diplomacy and Negotiation;

– Research Methods 1;

– Research Methods 2;

– Special Topics;

– Geography of International Conflicts;

– Natural Disasters;

– Energy Systems;

– Resource Conflicts;

– War, Military Institutions, and Society since 1815;

– Math Issues in National Security;

– Nuclear Weapons & Arms Control;

– Introduction to International Security;

– Art, Propaganda, and War;

– Comparative Political Economy;

– Ethnic Conflict;

– The Ethnics of War and Peace;

– Women in Muslim Societies;

– Energy & Security;

– Writing on Technology & Security;

– Military & Civilian Uses of Nuclear Energy;

– Seminar on Security.

10. International agreements No information

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

College of Liberal Arts & Sciences – Global Studies

International and Global Studies

703 S. Wright Street, 3rd Floor

Champaign, IL 61820

Phone: (217) 333-0178

Fax: (217) 265-7555



Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA

1. Name of university Rutgers, The State University of

New Jersey

2. Year of foundation 1766

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Division of Global Affairs

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Affairs (MA),

Global Affairs (PhD)

5. Number of students 90

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Postgraduate (MA), PhD

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

The Master's degree, with a more practical emphasis, prepares students to work in the public and private international sectors, as well as in non-governmental organizations, think-tanks, foundations, and media companies focusing on global issues.

The Ph.D., more academically oriented, is geared towards preparing future scholars eager to adopt and cultivate a planetary perspective on global issues from an interdisciplinary and multicultural standpoint. The Ph.D. in Global Affairs can also be an excellent track for policy jobs at the global level requiring advanced expertise.

9. Full description of program

Rutgers University in Newark is the only institution in the United States to offer both Master of Science and Doctoral degrees in Global Affairs. The main goal of the graduate Division of Global Affairs (DGA) is to provide intellectual and practical training in core areas, particularly in the fields of security, ethics, development and the environment. The program offers its ethnically and internationally diverse student population an interdisciplinary and multicultural perspective on global issues.

Cutting across academic fields, DGA brings together faculty from Arts and Sciences (political science, history, sociology, economics, anthropology and others), the School of Law (international law, international organizations, human rights law, comparative jurisprudence), the Business School (global political economy, international business and others), the School of Criminal Justice, the School of Nursing (in particular global health) and the School of Public Affairs and Administration. The program draws on the expertise of both academics and practitioners with a curriculum built around four concentrations: Global Governance, Global Business and Economics, Conflict and Human Rights, and Human and Environmental Security.

10. International agreements

The program takes part in the Global Studies Consortium, Federation of Balkan American Association, FRANCE24 Blok, and Centers for Global Advancement and International Affairs.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Division of Global Affairs

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

177 University Avenue, Room 220A, Conklin Hall, Newark, NJ 07102

Phone: (973) 353-5585 Homepage:

University of Pittsburgh, USA

1. Name of university University of Pittsburgh

2. Year of foundation 1787

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Global Studies Center,

World History Center

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies, World History


5. Number of students 73

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Postgraduate, PhD

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

Through the graduate and PhD programs, students develop an awareness of major currents of global change and the issues it raises, the capacity for effective communication across cultural and linguistic boundaries, and personal adaptability to diverse cultures.

Programs also encourage students to take advantage of the many international learning opportunities available at the University of Pittsburgh. Students are encouraged to enroll in a study or service abroad program or participate in an international internship.

9. Full description

Global Studies students choose one of the six concentrations – Sustainable Development; Global Economy and Global Governance; Changing Identities in a Global World; Communication, Technology, and Society; Conflict and Conflict Resolution; Global health – and unite it with the study of a particular region and a language of that region.

The courses are offered by various departments and schools across the University. Some examples of core courses in Global Studies are listed below:

1) Sustainable Development concentration:

– Anthropology of Food;

– Biocultural Anthropology;

– Ecology;

– Geology;

– Geotechnical Analysis;

– Global Environmental Politics etc.

2) Global Economy and Global Governance concentration:

– Environmental Economics;

– Economics for Public Affairs;

– Intermediate Macroeconomics;

– Intermediate Microeconomics;

– International Finance;

– International Marketing etc.

3) Changing Identities in a Global World concentration:

– Anthropology of Education;

– Cultural Sociology;

– Marriage;

– Nationalism;

– Religion in Early America;

– Social Movements etc.

4) Communication, Technology, and Society concentration:

– Advanced Sociolinguistics;

– Cross-cultural Communication;

– Introduction to World Art;

– Languages of the World;

– Language, Gender and Society;

– World Literature in English;

5) Conflict and Conflict Resolution concentration:

– American Foreign Policy;

– Conflict and War Theory;

– International Organized Crime;

– Peace Movements & Peace Education;

– Principles Homeland Security;

– Terrorism etc.

6) Global Health concentration:

– Biopsychology of Health Disparities;

– Epidemiology Infectious Diseases;

– Gender and Development;

– Introduction to Population Problems;

– Theories of Health Behavior & Health Education.

10. International agreements

The World History Center maintains close relations with the Network of Global and World History Organizations (NOGWHISTO) and its affiliates, including the World History Association, the Asian Association of World Historians, the African Network in Global History, and the European Network in Universal and Global History.

The World History Center and the Global Studies Center both hold a joint membership in the Global Studies Consortium.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Global Studies Center

University of Pittsburgh

University Center for International Studies

4100 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

230 South Bouquet Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Phone: (412) 648-5085

Fax: (412) 624-4672



World History Center

University of Pittsburgh, Department of History

3900 Wesley W. Posvar Hall

230 South Bouquet Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Phone: (412) 624-3073, Fax: (412) 648-9074 E-mail:


Sophia University, Japan

1. Name of university Sophia University

2. Year of foundation 1913

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied The Graduate School of Global Studies

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies (2006)

5. Number of students 59

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Postgraduate (MA, PhD)

7. Languages of study English, Japanese

8. Short description of program

The MA in Global Studies examines world systems, transnational processes, and global-local interactions from perspectives of anthropology, history, political science, religious studies and sociology. Students take two Foundational Courses to acquire theoretical concepts and methodological approaches for the study of global phenomena. A range of thematic Elective Courses enables students to explore global issues and phenomena from an area-based perspective that draws on concrete cases in Japan, China, and the rest of Asia. Students proficient in Japanese may also choose from a selection of area studies and international relations courses taught in Japanese that focus on Southeast Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Study of Japanese and other languages relevant for a student's research and future career is strongly encouraged.

The PhD in Global Studies is designed for the advanced study of specific areas or locales in the context of global processes and transnational connections. While the questions and lines of inquiry in global studies are interdisciplinary, research and writing agendas emphasize methods and concepts from the disciplines of history, political science, and sociology. The degree prepares candidates for academic positions in area, international, and global studies programs, or for research positions in foundations, NGOs, and companies that need advanced analyses of countries and regions in global contexts.

The doctoral course, which requires a three-year residency, focuses on the writing of a dissertation. While no course work is required, candidates participate in workshops and other program activities and may, in consultation with their dissertation supervisor, attend courses. Candidates first pass several qualifying exams and then, upon successful defense of a dissertation prospectus, proceed on to dissertation research and writing. To ensure close guidance of the dissertation, only a few candidates are admitted each year.

9. Full description

Academic disciplines in curriculum represent three areas of study: social science (55 per cent), humanities (30 per cent), and business studies (15 per cent). MA in Global Studies consists of 37 courses. About a half is cross-listed courses from other graduate programs that conducted in Japanese but readings are mostly or entirely in English.

The Global Studies courses are:

– Comparative Politics;

– Conflicts and Security;

– Diplomatic History;

– Global Culture;

– Global History;

– Global Issues;

– Global Politics;

– Globalization and Institutional Change;

– Globalization and Migration;

– Globalization and Nation States;

– Globalization and Society;

– Globalization and Popular Religion;

– Graduation Project;

– Introduction to Global Studies 1;

– Introduction to Global Studies 2;

– Master's Thesis;

– Research Guidance;

– Thesis Guidance;

– Thesis Seminar.

The school seeks to train scholars and specialists capable of working effectively in academia, research and other institutions that tackle global issues.

10. International agreements

The Graduate School of Global Studies is a current member of the Global Studies Consortium.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Graduate Program in Global Studies

Sophia University

7-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-Ku

Tokyo 102-8554, Japan



Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies, Germany

1. Name of university Berlin Graduate School for Transna-

tional Studies is a cooperative project

of three outstanding scientific institutes

and institutions: Free University of Ber-

lin, Hertie School of Governance, and

Social Science Research Center Berlin.

2. Year of foundation 2008

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Berlin Graduate School

for Transnational Studies

4. Name of program and year of beginning The PhD program at BTS

5. Number of students 81

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) PhD

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

The program is strategically placed at the intersection of political science, economics, history, law and sociology, where the most exciting changes and debates in an area of globalization and fragmentation take place.

The PhD program consists of three years of study, starting in September of each year. The bulk of the workload for candidates will take the form of independent thesis research. Apart from this, all candidates are required to successfully complete content-oriented survey courses, colloquia on research methods, and multidisciplinary skills workshops. Candidates will also be required to present the results of their research regularly at research colloquia and at academic conferences.

9. Full description

The course takes 3 years to complete.

The courses and other academic opportunities offered at BTS are:

– Colloquium: Research Design;

– Colloquium: Research in Progress;

– Colloquium: Research Results;

– Independent Research on Dissertation Project;

Methods on Qualitative or Quantitative Research;

– Survey Course on Transnational Studies;

– Transferable Skills: English Academic Writing plus Another Transferable Skills Workshop;

– Transferable Skills: Two Different Workshops;

– Teaching Assistance or Cooperation with a Third Party Funded Project at One of the Partnering Institutions.

Workshops cover methods on quantitative and qualitative research, as well as transferable skills. BTS always provides its PhD candidates with the opportunity to indicate further ideas for workshops they would be interested in and plans are made accordingly.

Regular workshops include:

– Discourse Analysis;

– English Academic Writing;

– Interview Techniques;

– Qualitative Comparative Analysis;

University Didactics etc.

10. International agreements

Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies is currently a member of the Global Studies Consortium. Also it hosts an annual PhD workshop in cooperation with Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Berlin Graduate School for transnational Studies

Free University of Berlin

Ihnestr. 26

14195 Berlin


Phone: +49 (0) 30-838-57-052

Fax: +49 (0) 30-838-57-096



Part 3

Universities with global studies education at Bachelor’s, Master’s and/or PhD levels

Aarhus University, Denmark

1. Name of university Aarhus University

2. Year of foundation 1928

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Department of Political Science

and Government

4. Name of program and year of beginning Political Science, Social Science

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD)

The department has the overall responsibility for the Bachelor's and Master's degree (cand.scient.pol.) programs in Political Science, the Master's degree (cand.soc.) programs in Social Science, and the subsidiary subject programs in Social Science. The department also contributes to the Flexible Master of Public Governance (FMOL).

7. Languages of study English, Danish

8. Short description of program

The program includes two semesters of full time course work, one term in which students carry through a project or international internship or follow elective courses, and a final thesis written under supervision in the fourth semester.

The core courses are modern global history, global society, international political economy, global justice, international relations and organizations, and international project management.

9. Full description of program

The first year of the MA program consists of six core classes, taught over the first two semesters. The first semester comprises Modern Global History, International Political Economy and Global Society, which provide the foundation for the second semester classes on Global Justice, International Relations and Organizations, and Project Management.

In the second year, the students are provided with several options. They can choose to put into practice the skills and knowledge they acquired in the first year by finding an internship or they can continue with their academic track and write a self-researched project paper. Both options provide the opportunity for the students to take optional courses in the third semester in order to deepen their interest in a certain region or topic.

An internship is good a way to test one's interest in a variety of career fields and to gain practical experience. Not surprisingly, a majority of IS students choose this option. The internship takes place in an organization with an international focus, ranging from NGOs to embassies to businesses or international think tanks.

10. International agreements

Aarhus University has a bilateral agreement with the University of Greifswald, Germany.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Department of Political Science and Government

Aarhus University, BartholinsAllé 7, Dk-8000 Aarhus C

Phone: +45-871-50000, E-mail:, Homepage:

Australian National University, ANU, Australia

1. Name of university Australian National University, ANU

2. Year of foundation 1946

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied School of Politics and International


4. Name of program and year of beginning International Relations, Globalization

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Undergraduate (BA),

Postgraduate (MA)

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

The School of Politics and International Relations has produced path-breaking work on political parties, public administration, trade unions, pressure groups, elections and political behavior. For many years the School has also focused on Australian and international public policy and public sector management and in 2002 was a foundation member of the Australian and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG). It houses the innovative Australian National Internships Program, and also has a successful Washington Internships Program.

The major areas of research, teaching and postgraduate supervision are: Australian Politics; Comparative Politics; International Relations; Political Policy; Political Theory.

9. Full description of program

Typical courses for the program in International relations are:

Aid and Development Policy;

Culture and Development;

Globalization: Theories, Debates, Issues;

History of Globalization;

Human Rights and Human Responsibility;

International Migration;

Migration, Refugees and Development;

The Political Economy of Globalization.

10. International agreements

Nowadays the school takes part in two internship programs: Australian National Internship Program, and Washington Internships Program.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

School of Politics and International Relations

Australian National University, Canberra

Phone: +61-2-612-55-111 Fax: 519-884-8854

Postal address:

School of Politics and International Relations

Australian National University

Haydon-Allen Building #22, Acton ACT 0200


University of California at Santa Barbara, USA

1. Name of university University of California at Santa Barbara

2. Year of foundation In 1891 Anna Blake School was established.

In the year of 1944 it joined the University

of California.

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied College of Letters & Science

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global & International Studies

Program (1999)

5. Number of students 12–15 graduate students each year

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD)

The program has an interdisciplinary major within the Global and International Studies Program, a highly successful MA in Global Studies, a PhD emphasis in Global Studies, and anticipates implementing a PhD in Global Studies in 2014–2015.

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

The program provides an undergraduate major that is distinctive in its emphasis on transnational processes and interactions that bring the world together across traditional national boundaries.

The MA degree is intended to provide an understanding of the economic, political, social, and cultural forces that are shaping global organizations.

Interdisciplinary PhD emphasis in Global Studies allows students to design a course of study focused on international and transnational issues, processes and flows.

9. Full description of program

The major includes two introductory gateway courses on global history, culture, and ideology on global socioeconomics and politics and is built around three upper-division core courses that provide a coherent introduction to global culture and ethnics, global ideologies and world order, and global economy and development. It also affords students an opportunity to take additional courses offered by other departments and programs in the university: three in global issues and three in one particular region of the world (Africa, the Middle East, South/Southeast Asia and the Pacific, East Asia, Europe and Eurasia, Latin America, or North America). Moreover, it requires 3 years of language study, which can be fulfilled all in one language or by taking 2 years of one language and an additional year of a second language. To sum up, the Global Studies major provides a well-rounded liberal arts degree that will help prepare students for a variety of careers in the international arena.

The two-year M.A. program combines courses from the social sciences and humanities with practical training and real-world experience. Students typically spend the summer of their first year and fall quarter of their second year abroad, taking courses and doing internships with non-governmental organizations, governmental bodies, or businesses. The program is developing partnerships with other globally-oriented educational institutions abroad, and a range of international NGOs, for study and intern placements. Students will also take two policy-oriented workshops designed to simulate real-life decision-making situations. Non-credit workshops will also be available for interested students, providing opportunities to learn about such practical matters as grant writing and foundation funding, tracking organizational finances, information management, and computer-based technologies.

The curriculum consists of three courses per quarter. The first year includes required courses on Organizational Policy and Management, Micro/Macro Economics, International Economics, Global Trade and Finance, Transnational Forces and Political Systems, Global Governance and World Order, Theories of Intercultural Understanding, and Global Organizations and Civil Society. Students are also required to take a course on Research Methods in Global & International Affairs, participate in a policy analysis and exercise seminar, and attend a one-unit seminar that focuses on contemporary issues and internship preparation.

The second year allows students to choose courses that provide background in particular cultural/geographic regions, and focus on a career emphasis in either Global Social and Economic Development or Global Culture and Human Rights. Students are also required to take courses in an area specialization of their choice: East Asia, South and Southeast Asia, the Americas, the Middle East, Africa, or Europe. A course on Managing Development Organizations, Non-Profits and Other NGOs: Theory and Practice is also offered as an elective. The second year culminates with a required policy workshop.

PhD emphasis students must be enrolled in good standing in one of the following departments: Anthropology, Communications, Comparative Literature, Education, English, Feminist Studies, Film and Media, Geography, History, Political Science, Religion, Sociology. Each student receives guidance and mentoring from the faculty as they prepare their dissertations.

10. International agreements No information

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

Global & International Studies Program

University of California

Social Sciences & Media Sciences Building, 2nd floor

Mail Code 7065

Santa Barbara, CA 93106-7065

Phone: 805-893-46-68

Fax: 805-893-80-03



The New School, USA

1. Name of university The New School

2. Year of foundation 1919

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied Eugene Lang College

The New School for Public Engagement

4. Name of program and year of beginning Global Studies (BA), Global Political

Economy and Finance (MA)

5. Number of students No information

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Undergraduate (BA),

postgraduate (MA)

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

Global Studies is offered as a major to undergraduate students at Eugene Lang College and the New School for Public Engagement.

The Global studies major offers unique opportunities for sharing experiences and coursework with programs in urban studies, media studies, and environmental studies. Global studies majors can combine their degree with one of a number of planned and existing minors (such as Middle East studies, religious studies, and gender studies) or, with their advisor's permission, pursue a double major. The curriculum is designed to allow undergraduates to study and work at the intersections of social sciences (political science, anthropology, sociology, and economics), human rights, and media. The major can also make up part of a five-year combined bachelor's and master's program leading to a graduate degree in international affairs, media studies, economics, and other disciplines. Experience on the ground is an important aspect of global studies, and the major gives students the chance to apply their knowledge in internships and fieldwork in New York and abroad.

The MA in Global Political Economy and Finance provides students with a sophisticated understanding of the world economy in historical context, the political economic analysis of the dynamics of contemporary world capitalist society, and state-of-the art tools of political economic and financial analysis.

9. Full description

The courses capitalize on the expertise of the university's faculties of social science, languages, media studies, design, management, and urban policy.

Global Studies subjects offered by Eugene Lang College are:

– Arabic;

– Architecture;

– Anthropology;

– Anthropology & Archaeology;

– Art/Design;

– History;

– Art/Design History & Theory;

– Art, Media & Technology;

– Chinese Mandarin;

– Communication;

– Comp, Scoring;

– Criticism and Writing;

– Cultural Studies;

– Dance;

– Design Strategies;

– Design Studies;

– Economics;

– Education Studies;

– Environmental Studies;

– Fashion Studies;

– Food Studies;

– Film;

– First Year Writing Program;

– French;

– German;

– Global Studies;

– History;

– Interdisciplinary Science;

– Integrated Arts;

– International Affairs;

– Italian;

– Japanese;

– Jazz;

– Jazz Music History;

– Latin;

– Literary Studies;

– Literature;

– Lit Studies: Literature;

– Lit Studies: Writing;

– Media Studies;

– Music;

– Music History;

– Philosophy;

– Photography;

– Politics;

– Portuguese;

– Psychology;

– Religion;

– Russian;

– Sign Language;

– Sociology;

– Social Science;

– Spanish;

– Special Design Studies;

– The Arts;

– Theater;

– Urban Studies;

– Visual Studies;

– Voice and Opera;

– Wellness;

– Workshops;

– Writing;

– Yiddish.

Global Studies Courses offered by the New School for Public Engagement are:

– Africa, Development & Diaspora;

– Arab Awakening;

– Collaborative Research Seminar: International Human Rights;

– Comparative Constitutional Law;

– CRS: Genocide & Action;

– CRS: Refugee Experience;

– CRS: Skills for Global Change – Environmental Justice and Resource;

– Conflicts; CRS: the Politics of Immigration in Action;

– Death and Rebirth: Genocide and Reconstruction in Rwanda;

– Directed Research;

– Displacement, Asylum, Migration;

– Dwelling in Dilemma – Chinese Middle Class and Cities;

– Economic Crisis and its Global Consequences;

– Europe Crisis & World Economy;

– Food, Global Trade & Development;

– Foundations of Gender Studies;

– Gender & the Middle East;

– Global Gender and Sexuality;

– Global Justice;

– Global Outlaws – Law and International;

– Governing the Global;

– Human Rights and Transitional Justice;

– Hungering for Opportunities: Food and Migrations;

– India and China Interactions;

– International Environmental Governance;

– Migrant City;

– Non-Western Approaches;

– Representing the Global;

– Social Movements;

– The Science and Politics of the Atom Bomb;

– The US and Latin America;

– Understanding Global Capitalism;

– War & Conflict in the 21st Century;

– Whose Heritage: Contested Cultural Sites.

To sum up, graduates are prepared to pursue international careers in government and international organizations, nonprofit management and development, communication media, and education.

The MA program in Global Political Economy and Finance consists of seven required courses and three electives. There is no written or comprehensive examination. The MA degree is awarded for successful completion of the required 30 credits.

The courses offered are:

– Financial Economics;

– Financial Markets and Valuation;

– Graduate Microeconomics;

– Historical Foundations of Political Economy, Internship;

– Introduction to Econometrics;

– Mathematics for Economics;

– Mentored Research;

– Principles of Financial Engineering;

– World Political Economy.

10. International agreements

The New School is currently a member of Global Studies Consortium.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

The New School

66 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011



University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

1. Name of university University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2. Year of foundation 1789

3. Name of faculty where Globalistics is studied FedEx Global Education Center

4. Name of program and year of beginning International Studies (BA),

Global Studies (MA)

5. Number of students 500

6. Levels of study (undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD) Undergraduate (BA),

postgraduate (MA)

7. Languages of study English

8. Short description of program

Global Studies program offers students the opportunity to develop an appreciation for and fuller understanding of the global issues within the context of a diverse, flexible, interdisciplinary curriculum in the tradition of the University's liberal arts focus. In order to do this each student is supposed to take a total of 10 courses and must choose a theme and area studies region in which to concentrate.

9. Full description

Courses deal with topics as diverse as the global impact of nineteenth century European colonialism; globalization and economic change; migration and diasporas; environment and human rights; global health and human reproduction; global and local social movements; and technology and patterns of cultural transmission. Such an integrated learning environment includes courses in modern foreign languages, enabling the student to develop the ability to interact and learn in a foreign environment; courses in a thematic concentration allowing the student a framework for developing critical questioning and reasoning skills; and courses with a regional focus, encouraging students to develop a fuller awareness of the ways in which global forces shape and transform regional political, economic and cultural change.

There are core courses which are offered by the university's staff:

– Agriculture, Food and Supply;

– Anthropological Perspectives on Cultural Diversity;

– Cultural Geography;

– Environmental Conservation;

– Environment and Labor in the Global Economy;

– Environment and Society;

– Ethics of Peace, War, and Defense;

– Gender and Global Change;

– Geography of the Developing World;

– Globalizing Organizations;

– Human Societies;

– International Communication and Comparative Journalism;

– International Relations and World Politics;

– Introduction to Comparative Politics;

– Introduction to World Music;

– Language and Nationalism;

– Later Islamic Civilization & Modern Muslim Cultures;

– Literature and Race, Literature and Ethnicity;

– Local Cultures, Global Forces;

– Local Places in a Globalizing World;

– People and Places;

– Population Problems;

– Sociology of Politics;

– Survey of International Development of the Economy;

– World Art;

– World Drama;

– World Literatures in English;

– World Regional Geography;

– The World since 1945.

There are also theme courses and area courses. Theme courses include courses in different areas: International Politics, Global Economy, Global Health & Environment, and Transnational Cultures. The block of area courses approved by individual area studies curricula. All they have geographical content: Africa, Asia, Latin America, The Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Western Europe.

To conclude, the curriculum in Global Studies lays the groundwork for successful careers with an international dimension in a wide range of fields.

10. International agreements

The staff is currently in consultation with two existing academic partners, King's college and the National University of Singapore, to establish exchange opportunities for students at the graduate level.

11. Contacts (university, faculty, chairs)

The FedEx Global Education Center

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

301 Pittsboro Street

Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Phone: (919) 962-5442

Fax: (919) 962-8485

