Shestova, Tatyana
Eastern Europe within the Ancient World-Systems -
Powell, Jason L.; Khan, Hafiz
Ageing in Post-Industrial Society: Trends and Trajecto-ries -
Sorokina, Olga A.; Gorter, Rendt
Social Evolution of Humankind as an Integral Part of the Evolution of the Biosphere -
Golosovsky, Michael
Hyperbolic Growth of the Human Population of the Earth: Analysis of Existing Models -
Baker, David
Demographic-Structural Theory and the Roman Dominate -
Zinkina, Julia; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Korotayev, Andrey
The Nineteenth-Century Urbanization Transition in the First World -
Aleshkovski, Ivan A.
International Migration and Globalization: Global Trends and Perspectives -
Thompson, William R.
K-Waves, Technological Clustering, and Some of Its Implications -
Korotayev, Andrey; De Munck, Victor
Advances in Development Reverse Global Inequality Trends -
Hookes, David
Science-Based Global Enlightenment in the Quantum-Digital Age (or How to Prevent the Earth from Becoming a Dead Planet) -
Leonova, Olga
Categories, Models and Forecast of the Global Confi guration -
Goldstone, Jack A.
On Great Divergence, Great Convergence, Industrial Revolution, and California School -
Benjamin, Craig
Big History, Collective Learning and the Silk Roads -
Malkov, Sergey
The Logic of World Development -
Zinkina, Julia; Andreev, Alexey I.; Mosakova, Elizaveta
The Nineteenth Century as the Cradle of Global Capital -
Tsirel Sergey V.
Classifications of Ways to Statehood and Democracy -
Farhi-Rodrig, Miriam
Global Migration: A Transnational Problem -
Tobias, Michael C.; Morrison, Jane Gray
The ‘Ahimsa Factor’: Ecological Non-Violence Process Analysis in China and Its Implications for Global Paradigmatic Shifts -
Shestova, Tatyana
Methodological Foundations of Global History -
Ursul, Arkadi A.; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Global Evolutionism: Theoretical and Methodological Problems -
Harper, Tony
Global Volcanism as It Impacts the Integrity of the World System -
Zinkina, Julia; Korotayev, Andrey; Aleshkovskii, Ivan
The Demographic Transition in the First World: The Nineteenth Century -
Ternyik, Stephen I.
Geonomics, Energetics and the K-Paradox: A Sustainable Point of View -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Global Population Ageing, the Sixth Kondratieff Wave, and the Global Financial System -
Drobot, G.
The Problem of Universal Values in World Politics -
Grinin, Leonid
The Tiger and the Dragon. Development Models and Perspectives of India and China -
Smit, Paul А.
Transnational Labour Relations in SADC: Regional Integration or Regional Globalisation? -
Zinkina, Julia; Alekseenko, Oleg A. ; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Global Struggle for Suffrage Expansion: The European Case for Male Suffrage in the Nineteenth Century -
Mączyńska, Elżbieta
Kondratieff – Ethos – Economics -
Nefedov, Sergey
Modeling Malthusian Dynamics in Pre-industrial Societies: Mathematical Modeling
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